Alteraciones posturales del tronco en niños y su relación con el sedentarismo
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Universidad FASTA. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas
Las alteraciones posturales en tronco son un conjunto de actitudes anómalas que
generan deformidades y dolor. Los niños poseen su esqueleto en desarrollo por lo que
cargas excesivas o mal distribuidas podrían generar alteraciones, además en la actualidad
están predispuestos a actitudes posturales incorrectas a causa del uso de aparatos
tecnológicos y, si sumamos mochilas pesadas, la carencia de la práctica de al menos un
deporte, sillas y bancos a alturas inadecuadas, el tiempo que transcurren en la misma
posición y cuestiones emocionales, es muy probable que a corto o largo plazo
desencadenen variaciones en su postura.
Postural alterations in the trunk are a set of abnormal attitudes that generate deformities and pain. Children have their skeleton in development so that excessive or badly distributed loads could generate alterations, in addition, they are currently predisposed to incorrect postural attitudes due to the use of technological devices and, if we add to that the heavy backpacks, the lack of practicing at least one sport, chairs and benches at inappropriate heights, the time spent in the same position and emotional problems, it is very likely that in the short or long term they trigger variations in your posture.
Fil: Elorz, Rosario. Universidad FASTA. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas; Argentina.
Fil: Tur, Graciela Beatriz. Universidad FASTA. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas; Argentina.
Postural alterations in the trunk are a set of abnormal attitudes that generate deformities and pain. Children have their skeleton in development so that excessive or badly distributed loads could generate alterations, in addition, they are currently predisposed to incorrect postural attitudes due to the use of technological devices and, if we add to that the heavy backpacks, the lack of practicing at least one sport, chairs and benches at inappropriate heights, the time spent in the same position and emotional problems, it is very likely that in the short or long term they trigger variations in your posture.
Fil: Elorz, Rosario. Universidad FASTA. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas; Argentina.
Fil: Tur, Graciela Beatriz. Universidad FASTA. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas; Argentina.
Postura, Hipercifosis, Hiperlordosis, Escoliosis, Niños, Posture, Hyperkyphosis, Hyperlordosis, Scoliosis, Children